19th September 2024

Search Castle Donington Parish Council

Serving the people of Castle Donington

Showmen's Application Form

This year the Wakes are again being held on the last weekend of October on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th October.

Opening times

Thursday 6.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Friday 6.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Saturday 2.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Please ensure you adhere to these times – all stalls and rides will be expected to be operating during all the opening times. Lights must not be switched off before official closing times.

Set up times

The Road Closure Order come into force at 12.00 noon on Wednesday, 23rd October to allow one hour for the roads to be cleared of traffic. No showmen are allowed on site until the 1.00 pm deadline.


All vehicle movements are forbidden before the event closure time of 10.00 pm on ANYDAY unless safe to do so, and authorised with the Event Manager, Wakes Marshall or another suitably designated person on a specific evening. This is in the interests of public safety and to comply with the official Road Closure Orders.


All applications, supporting paperwork and ground rent must be received by Castle Donington Parish Council via the online application process by Friday 6th September 2024. Empty sites after this date will be allocated by Castle Donington Parish Council unless the Showmen has a significant or legitimate reason for not supplying an application form and paperwork.

Late applications will incur an additional admin fee.


Under Showmen's Guild rules it is an offence not to turn up or sub-let. Sub-letting of any site will be by the approval of the Parish Council. It is the site-holder's responsibility to sub-let the site. All applications for sub-letting must be received at the Parish Council by Wednesday 25th September 2024 and must state type and size of ride / stall and operator's details and be accompanied by the relevant Certificates. Should the ground owner not sub-let the ground, the Parish Council, as landowner, has the right to sub-let the ground. In this case the ground owner may lose the Preservation of Rights to the ground in favour of the new tenant.

No equipment will be allowed on site unless all paperwork prior to set up day has been supplied to the Parish Council. This will be stringently enforced.

First Aid / Emergency Services

First aid will be provided by the Castle Donington First Responders who will be sited within the event site, location to be confirmed. Please contact direct, where appropriate or via an event marshal.

In the event of an emergency, please ensure that, where possible all equipment is switched off, attendees are moved to a safe location away from the emergency and an event marshal is contacted.

Showmen's Paperwork

* Required Field

Annual Wakes 2024 Showman Application Form

Section 1 - Owner of the Ground

Section 2 - User of the Ground (if not the owner)

Please enter any vehicle registrations require to be parked within the road closure. There is a £5.00 admin charge per permit.

Section 4 - First Ride/Stall

Please provide all necessary information for your first ride/stall

Section 5 - Second Ride/Stall

Please provide all necessary information for your second ride/stall. If you only have one ride/stall please leave the rest of the form blank and click submit.

Section 6 - Third Ride/Stall

Please provide all necessary information for your third ride/stall. If you only have two rides/stalls please leave the rest of the form blank and click submit.

Thank you for completing the form!

If you are bringing more than 3 rides or stalls, simply submit the current form again with your additional rides and stalls.

Last updated: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 10:12