16th September 2024

Search Castle Donington Parish Council

Serving the people of Castle Donington

Response from NWLDC and Police About Vehicle Disturbance


The legal solutions for dealing with this issue, differ from those to deal with the Car Cruising issue. The police will require reports to be submitted to enable adequate resources to be allocated to solving this issue. Links and QR codes are available on the Parish Council website and notice boards.

The relevant legislation to resolve this issue is section 59 of the Police Reform Act. Under this law if you are seen:

  • Driving in a careless or inconsiderate manner
  • Driving on common land, a footpath or bridle way or any land which is not part of a road
  • Driving in a manner which is causing/has been causing, or is likely to cause alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public

then a Section 59 warning can be issued by the police.

This warning is placed against both the driver and the vehicle and lasts for 12 months. If the driver of the vehicle or the vehicle with the warning issued to it is then seen driving in any of those conditions again in the next 12 months the vehicle can be seized and, if not collected after paying for recovery and storage costs, it will be crushed. Approximately 180 warnings have been issued in relation to car cruising and noisy vehicles.

Police Response

Update - 30 July 2024

Police are being given some new training on how to recognise modified vehicles and what powers they have in relation to speed, noise, general ASB, etc.

2 July 2024

"I have been through all the sites requested by the Council and is as follows:

Hilltop: County survey November 2023. Av speeds high - 31.6mph. There are no collisions so any enforcement will be through Police Teams.

High Street: No survey due to pending scheme – as per County email. County survey Nov 23 shows low speeds anyway

Bondgate: No survey due to pending scheme – as per County email. County survey Nov 23 shows low speeds anyway

Station Road: No survey – current mobile van site

Park Lane: Survey requested as previously agreed.

Relief Road (Broad Rushes): Survey Jan 23. Speeds overall compliant - Av speed 40mph. No need for another survey at this stage

Relief Road: (Short Lane – Airport): 2 surveys requested; 1 Short Lane – Park Lane and 1 Park Lane - Airport"

Last updated: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 12:23