19th September 2024

Search Castle Donington Parish Council

Serving the people of Castle Donington

All Things Traffic

All Things Traffic

Following the meeting of the Parish Council last night, please find a short report of the some of the discussions and action notes that ensued. PLEASE NOTE A FULL REPORT AND DETAILED LINKS TO VARIOUS OTHER SITES TO LOG ISSUES WILL BE LIVE NEXT WEEK ONCE ALL THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN COLLATED.

The Parish Council has recently been in receipt of a number of complaints and concerns regarding traffic noise and speed issues, ASB and car cruises, etc. It was therefore decided to promote open discussion with the community to allow them to raise their concerns in relation to traffic noise and speed issues, ASB and car cruises and also to update those present on what is being done, is in place and how best to report these various matters.

The main areas of discussion were:

  • Traffic calming,
  • Car cruises,
  • Speed of traffic,
  • Noise from vehicles,
  • ASB from vehicles of all sorts,
  • Report it – where, how, what,
  • CCTV and mobile and fixed speed recording options.

Approximately 40 members of the public attended a meeting of the Parish Council. In attendance, parish councillors, district and county councillors and Police representative.


  • Parish Council to collate information available from LCC, NWLDC and Police in relation to ASB, noise and speed nuisance, car cruises and traffic calming and ensure that is uploaded onto its website and Facebook in an easy access manner.
  • Continue to put pressure on the LCC to implement the traffic calming within a timely manner. Request for a timeline of when this is to be implemented and also for an up-to-date plan of what has been consulted on and approved.
  • CCTV – Insist that this project (village centre, bus station area and roving camera) is implemented within in a timely manner, requesting a definitive start date and complain to NWLDC about the process to date (5 years and waiting).
  • Formally request from the Police that traffic surveys (black box data) with the view of gathering data that will then allow for traffic vehicle/ speed cameras etc to be funded and implemented.
  • Request that average speed cameras are looked at and costed by LCC.
  • Support the immediate implementation of a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to cover the whole of the village by NWLDC.
  • Request assurance that the PSPO will be robustly enforced by the relevant bodies.
  • Request that the Police speak to some of the larger companies locally about the behaviour of their employees when arriving and leaving work at shift change time.
  • Request NWLDC Environmental Health undertake noise monitoring in relation to potentially noisy vehicles.
  • Request that the Police make all traffic matters (speed, noise, cruising) are a Beat Priority and given the manpower and funding to focus on these issues.
  • Look at options for working with the Police Crime Commissioner to assist with funding and manpower to help address the issues raised.

Posted: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:20 by Michael Norwell

Tags: 2024, NWL Police, News, Relief Road, Traffic