13th September 2024

Search Castle Donington Parish Council

Serving the people of Castle Donington

Moira Dale sports facilities and Village Hall re-development

The site at Moira Dale incorporates the existing village hall premises together with an existing recreational sports building which currently provides changing rooms and associated facilities to serve the adjoining Moira Dale recreation ground and playing field for cricket and football.

The village hall is a single storey building which provides a community venue comprising a main function hall with a raised presentation stage. Associated facilities include a kitchen, bar servery area, ladies & gents WC facilities and a small storeroom.

The existing village hall building is thought to have been constructed in the 1960s, and whilst the venue provides a valuable and very well-used facility for the benefit of the local community, the hall is now approaching the stage where significant refurbishment of the premises is required to ensure the continued sustainability of the building to enhance and preserve this much-needed community facility.

The village hall building is attached to the existing recreational sports building which comprises a two-storey unit providing four changing rooms with associated shower and WC facilities. The recreational sports building is a later edition to the site, although still some 40 years old and was constructed to serve the recreation ground and playing field adjoining the village hall site.

The changing facilities, showers and WC facilities are located on the first floor of the building. On the ground floor, the building provides a small pavilion/sports room, an accessible WC facility and a small changing room for officials. The pavilion/sports room provides a rest and refreshment area for players and officials taking part in cricket and football games on the adjoining playing field. The remainder of the ground floor of this building currently provides additional storage facilities for the attached Village Hall.

Following the construction of the recreational sports building, the function hall within the existing village hall building was extended into part of the ground floor of the newly attached Recreational Sports building.

As with the village hall, the current recreational sports building is in need of being refurbished, and in addition, requires to be extended to provide an adequate level of facilities to serve both the existing and projected use of the recreational sports ground and playing field at the location.

The existing changing facilities have become inadequate and unsuitable to meet current legislation, design standards and requirements for sporting venues in terms of changing room sizes, officials changing facilities, shower facilities etc. Such facilities are now required to meet far higher standards of amenity, hygiene and safety and to achieve multi-use standards suitable for men, women, boys and girls and to promote the use of such recreational facilities by being entirely accessible to all genders and age groups.

Last updated: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 12:09