16th September 2024

Search Castle Donington Parish Council

Serving the people of Castle Donington

How to Report

Report antisocial behaviour to the Police

Antisocial behaviour takes many forms, from aggressive, noisy or abusive behaviour to neighbourhood disturbances involving drugs, abandoned cars or animals.

If you've witnessed antisocial behaviour, please report it to us.

Your neighbourhood can be an area where you live, work, or visit often.

Report a vehicle being used in an antisocial way or causing a nuisance

You can report the following types of antisocial vehicle use online:

  • Revving engines, excessive noise, sounding horns unnecessarily
  • Dangerous use of scooters in public areas
  • Racing or obstructing the road for drag races
  • Stunts or tricks on the road or on public land
  • Use of a vehicle off-road without a landowners permission

How to report

You can report this online by clicking 'Start' below. LINK
What we'll ask you for

Please have the following details ready if possible:

  • the location of the incident
  • what happened and why you think it was antisocial or causing a nuisance
  • registration number of the vehicle or vehicles involved
  • details or descriptions of people involved

What will happen to your report

We'll assess your report, record the incident, and decide on the best course of action. We will usually only get in touch with you if we need more details.

In some cases we'll notify your local policing team who deal with antisocial behaviour. They may want to get in touch with you to discuss it further.

You'll be able to download a copy of your report for your own records.

How long it takes to complete the form

Average completion time: 15 to 20 minutes.

When you're ready, click 'Start' to begin.

Report a vehicle causing a nuisance | Leicestershire Police (leics.police.uk)

Reporting ASB including car cruising to NWLDC

Vehicles gathering in large groups and engaging in anti-social behaviour is becoming an increasing problem for local people and businesses. The behaviour associated with this is damaging private and public land and poses a risk to pedestrians and other road users.

Businesses and residents have reported various problems which impact their everyday lives, including significant noise such as; loud music, cars racing, street racing, tyres screeching, fireworks, litter and blocking roads limiting access for residents and the public passing through.

There are two main types of cruise: regular cruises, also known as meets, and one-off cruises. The events that take place are similar; cars meet in car parks, park up or cruise (drive slowly) around the car park while people socialise – often meeting people from cruise websites, show off their cars and admire others' cars. If there is enough space there are often drag races, burnouts, and doughnuts.

Although cruising is often not a crime in itself, there are many illegal activities associated with it, and as such cruises are often monitored by the police or even closed. The most commonly cited reasons for breaking up cruises are breach of the peace, caused by loud exhausts and sound systems disturbing local residents, and dangerous driving (such as street racing, burnouts and doughnuts). Police also claim that cruises are used as cover for drug dealing and are attended by stolen or otherwise illegal cars More recently, NWLDC and Leicestershire Police have been using ASB legislation which enable them to seize and impound cars if anti-social behaviour is taking place or if a group refuses to disperse from an area.

We will also issues fines and warnings to drivers and spectators.

Car Cruising webpage- ASB - car cruising - North West Leicestershire District Council (nwleics.gov.uk)

Car Cruising reporting form- Car Cruising Nuisance - Your Details - Section 1 - North West Leicestershire District Council (achieveservice.com)

ASB reporting form- Anti Social Behaviour - Describe the incident - Section 1 - North West Leicestershire District Council (achieveservice.com)

ASB including motorbike, moped and scooter theft prevention to NWLDC

There have been several motorbike thefts reported in the area and we want to help you keep them safe. Often, these are being stolen from driveways where they're visible.

To help keep them safe, here's what you can do:

  • Remove the keys
  • Fit an alarm to deter thieves
  • Property mark the parts
  • Keep your motorcycle, moped or scooter in a shed or garage

Had your bike stolen? You'll need to report this to Leicestershire Police immediately on 999 or report a crime online or call 101 if you discover it has gone.

Report it

Noticed suspicious activity and an increase in an anti-social use of motorbikes in the area? You can report it to us.

Please provide as much information as you can, including the time, date, location and a description of the rider and bike, as well as any other useful information.

Advice for parents and young people

Illegal use of off road bikes and mini motos

There's been an increase in parents or young people buying or importing e-powered motorbikes which aren't safe or legal for use the UK. We've received reports concerning the anti-social and dangerous use of off road motorbikes.

Did you know…

  • It is illegal to ride an off road motorbike on the road which could result in riders being banned from driving, fined or facing prison
  • It is illegal to ride any motorbike in public open spaces such as parks, play areas and on pavements
  • Illegal off road bikes seized by the police can be crushed
  • In some cases, the parents are held accountable for the actions of their children and can be prosecuted
  • Allowing a house or premises to be used to store illegal off-road bikes can breach tenancy agreements.

Last updated: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 11:02