16th September 2024

Search Castle Donington Parish Council

Serving the people of Castle Donington

Frequently Asked Questions

The Council

What does the Parish Council do with the Council Tax I pay?
Please click here to be redirected to the Finance page.

How much do Parish Councillors get paid?
Parish Councillors receive no salary. They work for nothing. They can claim certain expenses but in general they claim nothing. The Council Chairperson has an Allowance of around £600 to spend in their year in office. Most of that is spent on small grants given at the chairpersons discretion or buying flowers for parishioners that celebrate their 100th birthday or a golden wedding.

How does the Parish Council control planning in Castle Donington?
The Parish Council does not control the planning process. The planning authority for our area is North West Leicestershire District Council. We are only consultees in the process. The parish council will make recommendations on all planning applications but the planning authority are under no obligation to take any notice of what we say.

Last updated: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 06:59